Digital Art


My name is Sebastian Agner and for the past decade, I have been infatuated by the concept of art in general. The craft of transferring one's inner world onto paper, of both digital and physical origin captivates me to this day.

This is the section dedicated to my journey of endless self-improvement, dedication, and joys discovered within the beautiful realm of Digital Art.

From simple sketches and block-outs to fully fledged, artworks and 2D-3D hybrid concept arts, - I mainly focus on character and monster design, whilst occasionally creating environmental and weapon concept arts as well! You are free to peruse through my collection. Should you find the art to your liking - I am at your service! My inbox [] is always open!

Should you also be in need of a Voice Over Artist, a 3D designer, or a Graphic Designer, - Then you are in luck!

Software used:

  • Photoshop (97 - 100 % percent of every piece is created here)

  • Blender/Inkscape (the remaining 3% of set dressings, rough block- outs, small touch ups, decals and such are created with these)

My Gallery can be found below: